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Section 2 will appear as shown below

Application Screenshot for Section 2

In Section 2, there are four important sections marked as 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Highlighted Application Screenshot for Section 2

1. Auto Left Click

All customizations related to Left Mouse Click can be done here. Auto Utility generates random left clicks every time You select a range and an interval frequency. For eg. you can select 10 to 80 times every 2 minute. This will simply mean that auto activity utility can generate activities as below

15 left clicks in 2 minute
25 left clicks in next 2 minutes
8 left clicks in next 2 minutes 
and so on.. number of left clicks is random every time.

Normal Settings

Section 2 Application Range and Frequency Configuration 1. Enable / Disable Auto Mouse Move: Select this checkbox if you want Left Click activity to happen.  2. Configure Frequency and Randomness:  This is one of the most important settings. There are two parts that work together. In Part 1, we assign Randomness Range which is 10 to 15 times in the screenshot above. What it means is that Auto Activity Utility will pick a random value say 12.
Part 2, we set frequency which means what is the frequency of the activity. It can be defined in Minutes (MIN) and Seconds (SEC). In the screenshot above we have selected 1 MIN, which means activity will be performed X number of times every 1 minute.

It is difficult to understand by only one example, let us see few examples of what it means
Range and Frequency configuration part 1 in section 2 If we select something like above it can mean, and activity has started from 9:15 AM, then 
In iteration one say at 9:15 to 9:16 AM, 10 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration two say at 9:16 to 9:17 AM, 22 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration three say at 9:17 to 9:18 AM, 20 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration four say at 9:18 to 9:19 AM, 8 times mouse movement will get generated
and so on...

Range and Frequency configuration part 2 in section 2 If we select something like above it can mean, and activity has started from 9:15 AM, then 
In iteration one say at 9:15 to 9:35 AM, 7 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration two say at 9:35 to 9:55 AM, 11 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration three say at 9:55 to 10:05 AM, 5 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration four say at 10:05 to 10:25 AM, 18 times mouse movement will get generated
and so on...

Range and Frequency configuration part 3 in section 2 If we select something like above it can mean, and activity has started from 9:15 AM, then 
In iteration one say at 9:15 to 9:35 AM, 7 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration two say at 9:35 to 9:55 AM, 11 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration three say at 9:55 to 10:05 AM, 5 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration four say at 10:05 to 10:25 AM, 18 times mouse movement will get generated
and so on...

3. Current Iteration Count: It displays running iteration count of the current frequency. You will see that for the same interval it keep generating different values each time and hence it mimics human like behaviour. 4. Gross Count with / without Limit: It displays total mouse movements performed so far. If you have set LIMIT for the activity it will show that too. 5. Last Activity Timestamp: It shows timestamp of the last activity performed. 6. Status: It will show any error message or limit reached or activity not performed due to date restriction, etc. Keep an eye here, if anything appears in RED color, its important message to understand 7. Advanced Settings: Click this to configure advanced settings for Mouse Movements.

Advanced Settings

Advanced Setting 1. Limit / No Limit:  If you want mouse movement to occur for a specific number of time only then you need to enable LIMIT and set the desired value. If you want without any restriction, then select NO LIMIT. If you want counter to reset then kindly click on RESET. 2. Move Cursor before clicking:  This setting is useful if you want to move cursor a bit left before clicking. If you want to keep clicking at the same location, select option NO

2. Auto Right Click

All customizations related to Left Mouse Click can be done here. Auto Utility generates random left clicks every time You select a range and an interval frequency. For eg. you can select 10 to 80 times every 2 minute. This will simply mean that auto activity utility can generate activities as below

15 left clicks in 2 minute
25 left clicks in next 2 minutes
8 left clicks in next 2 minutes 
and so on.. number of left clicks is random every time.

Normal Settings

Zoomed Time and Frequency Configuration 1. Enable / Disable Auto Mouse Move: Select this checkbox if you want Left Click activity to happen.  2. Configure Frequency and Randomness:  This is one of the most important settings. There are two parts that work together. In Part 1, we assign Randomness Range which is 10 to 15 times in the screenshot above. What it means is that Auto Activity Utility will pick a random value say 12.
Part 2, we set frequency which means what is the frequency of the activity. It can be defined in Minutes (MIN) and Seconds (SEC). In the screenshot above we have selected 1 MIN, which means activity will be performed X number of times every 1 minute.

It is difficult to understand by only one example, let us see few examples of what it means
Time and Range configuration Screenshot 1 If we select something like above it can mean, and activity has started from 9:15 AM, then 
In iteration one say at 9:15 to 9:16 AM, 10 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration two say at 9:16 to 9:17 AM, 22 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration three say at 9:17 to 9:18 AM, 20 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration four say at 9:18 to 9:19 AM, 8 times mouse movement will get generated
and so on...

Time and Range configuration Screenshot 2 If we select something like above it can mean, and activity has started from 9:15 AM, then 
In iteration one say at 9:15 to 9:35 AM, 7 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration two say at 9:35 to 9:55 AM, 11 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration three say at 9:55 to 10:05 AM, 5 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration four say at 10:05 to 10:25 AM, 18 times mouse movement will get generated
and so on...

Time and Range configuration Screenshot 3 If we select something like above it can mean, and activity has started from 9:15 AM, then 
In iteration one say at 9:15 to 9:35 AM, 7 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration two say at 9:35 to 9:55 AM, 11 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration three say at 9:55 to 10:05 AM, 5 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration four say at 10:05 to 10:25 AM, 18 times mouse movement will get generated
and so on...

3. Current Iteration Count: It displays running iteration count of the current frequency. You will see that for the same interval it keep generating different values each time and hence it mimics human like behaviour. 4. Gross Count with / without Limit: It displays total mouse movements performed so far. If you have set LIMIT for the activity it will show that too. 5. Last Activity Timestamp: It shows timestamp of the last activity performed. 6. Status: It will show any error message or limit reached or activity not performed due to date restriction, etc. Keep an eye here, if anything appears in RED color, its important message to understand 7. Advanced Settings: Click this to configure advanced settings for Mouse Movements.

Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings 1. Limit / No Limit:  If you want mouse movement to occur for a specific number of time only then you need to enable LIMIT and set the desired value. If you want without any restriction, then select NO LIMIT. If you want counter to reset then kindly click on RESET. 2. Move Cursor before clicking:  This setting is useful if you want to move cursor a bit left before clicking. If you want to keep clicking at the same location, select option NO

3. Auto Double Click

All customizations related to Left Mouse Click can be done here. Auto Utility generates random left clicks every time You select a range and an interval frequency. For eg. you can select 10 to 80 times every 2 minute. This will simply mean that auto activity utility can generate activities as below

15 left clicks in 2 minute
25 left clicks in next 2 minutes
8 left clicks in next 2 minutes 
and so on.. number of left clicks is random every time.

Normal Settings

Zoomed Range and Frequency configuration 1. Enable / Disable Auto Mouse Move: Select this checkbox if you want Left Click activity to happen.  2. Configure Frequency and Randomness:  This is one of the most important settings. There are two parts that work together. In Part 1, we assign Randomness Range which is 10 to 15 times in the screenshot above. What it means is that Auto Activity Utility will pick a random value say 12.
Part 2, we set frequency which means what is the frequency of the activity. It can be defined in Minutes (MIN) and Seconds (SEC). In the screenshot above we have selected 1 MIN, which means activity will be performed X number of times every 1 minute.

It is difficult to understand by only one example, let us see few examples of what it means
Range and Frequency configuration 1 If we select something like above it can mean, and activity has started from 9:15 AM, then 
In iteration one say at 9:15 to 9:16 AM, 10 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration two say at 9:16 to 9:17 AM, 22 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration three say at 9:17 to 9:18 AM, 20 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration four say at 9:18 to 9:19 AM, 8 times mouse movement will get generated
and so on...

Range and Frequency configuration 2 If we select something like above it can mean, and activity has started from 9:15 AM, then 
In iteration one say at 9:15 to 9:35 AM, 7 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration two say at 9:35 to 9:55 AM, 11 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration three say at 9:55 to 10:05 AM, 5 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration four say at 10:05 to 10:25 AM, 18 times mouse movement will get generated
and so on...

Range and Frequency configuration 3 If we select something like above it can mean, and activity has started from 9:15 AM, then 
In iteration one say at 9:15 to 9:35 AM, 7 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration two say at 9:35 to 9:55 AM, 11 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration three say at 9:55 to 10:05 AM, 5 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration four say at 10:05 to 10:25 AM, 18 times mouse movement will get generated
and so on...

3. Current Iteration Count: It displays running iteration count of the current frequency. You will see that for the same interval it keep generating different values each time and hence it mimics human like behaviour. 4. Gross Count with / without Limit: It displays total mouse movements performed so far. If you have set LIMIT for the activity it will show that too. 5. Last Activity Timestamp: It shows timestamp of the last activity performed. 6. Status: It will show any error message or limit reached or activity not performed due to date restriction, etc. Keep an eye here, if anything appears in RED color, its important message to understand 7. Advanced Settings: Click this to configure advanced settings for Mouse Movements.

Advanced Settings

Advanced configuration 1. Limit / No Limit:  If you want mouse movement to occur for a specific number of time only then you need to enable LIMIT and set the desired value. If you want without any restriction, then select NO LIMIT. If you want counter to reset then kindly click on RESET. 2. Move Cursor before clicking:  This setting is useful if you want to move cursor a bit left before clicking. If you want to keep clicking at the same location, select option NO

4. Auto Keyboard

All customizations related to Left Mouse Click can be done here. Auto Utility generates random left clicks every time You select a range and an interval frequency. For eg. you can select 10 to 80 times every 2 minute. This will simply mean that auto activity utility can generate activities as below

15 left clicks in 2 minute
25 left clicks in next 2 minutes
8 left clicks in next 2 minutes 
and so on.. number of left clicks is random every time.

Normal Settings

Keyboard configuration 1. Enable / Disable Auto Mouse Move: Select this checkbox if you want Left Click activity to happen.  2. Configure Frequency and Randomness:  This is one of the most important settings. There are two parts that work together. In Part 1, we assign Randomness Range which is 10 to 15 times in the screenshot above. What it means is that Auto Activity Utility will pick a random value say 12.
Part 2, we set frequency which means what is the frequency of the activity. It can be defined in Minutes (MIN) and Seconds (SEC). In the screenshot above we have selected 1 MIN, which means activity will be performed X number of times every 1 minute.

It is difficult to understand by only one example, let us see few examples of what it means
Keyboard configuration If we select something like above it can mean, and activity has started from 9:15 AM, then 
In iteration one say at 9:15 to 9:16 AM, 10 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration two say at 9:16 to 9:17 AM, 22 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration three say at 9:17 to 9:18 AM, 20 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration four say at 9:18 to 9:19 AM, 8 times mouse movement will get generated
and so on...

Keyboard Configuration If we select something like above it can mean, and activity has started from 9:15 AM, then 
In iteration one say at 9:15 to 9:35 AM, 7 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration two say at 9:35 to 9:55 AM, 11 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration three say at 9:55 to 10:05 AM, 5 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration four say at 10:05 to 10:25 AM, 18 times mouse movement will get generated
and so on...

Keyboard Configuration If we select something like above it can mean, and activity has started from 9:15 AM, then 
In iteration one say at 9:15 to 9:35 AM, 7 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration two say at 9:35 to 9:55 AM, 11 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration three say at 9:55 to 10:05 AM, 5 times mouse movement will get generated
In iteration four say at 10:05 to 10:25 AM, 18 times mouse movement will get generated
and so on...

3. Current Iteration Count: It displays running iteration count of the current frequency. You will see that for the same interval it keep generating different values each time and hence it mimics human like behaviour. 4. Gross Count with / without Limit: It displays total mouse movements performed so far. If you have set LIMIT for the activity it will show that too. 5. Last Activity Timestamp: It shows timestamp of the last activity performed. 6. Status: It will show any error message or limit reached or activity not performed due to date restriction, etc. Keep an eye here, if anything appears in RED color, its important message to understand 7. Advanced Settings: Click this to configure advanced settings for Mouse Movements.

Advanced Settings

Keyboard Advanced Settings 1. Limit / No Limit:  If you want mouse movement to occur for a specific number of time only then you need to enable LIMIT and set the desired value. If you want without any restriction, then select NO LIMIT. If you want counter to reset then kindly click on RESET. 2. Random Modifier Key:  Enable this checkbox if you want Modifier Key inputs to be sent. This is a safe option if you don't want to risk writing anything but still want to generate keyboard inputs

3. Random Arrow Key:  Enable this checkbox if you want Arrow Key inputs to be sent. This is a safe option if you don't want to risk writing anything but still want to generate keyboard inputs

4. Random Characters like a-z A-z, etc:  Enable this checkbox if you want random keyboard characters input to be sent. It will send random keys from a to z or A to Z, etc.
5. Random words:  Enable this checkbox if you want random words input to be sent. It will send random words.
6. Custom List:  You can provide your own input and Auto Utility will send inputs from this text. This is extremely important as it can type whole text paragraph, etc.